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charitable acts

  • 1 charitable

    aggettivo [person, act] caritatevole (to verso); [ organization] pio, di carità
    * * *
    1) ((negative uncharitable) kind.) caritatevole
    2) (of a charity: a charitable organization.) di beneficienza
    * * *
    charitable /ˈtʃærɪtəbl/
    1 caritatevole; filantropico: a charitable institution, un'istituzione filantropica
    2 benevolo; comprensivo; indulgente: a charitable interpretation of sb. 's acts, un'interpretazione benevola delle azioni di q.
    charitableness n. [u] charitably avv.
    * * *
    aggettivo [person, act] caritatevole (to verso); [ organization] pio, di carità

    English-Italian dictionary > charitable

  • 2 Dorcas Society (A woman's circle making clothing for charitable purposes so called from Dorcas in Acts:9:39)

    Религия: Общество Серны

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Dorcas Society (A woman's circle making clothing for charitable purposes so called from Dorcas in Acts:9:39)

  • 3 bene

    1. adv well
    bene! good!
    per bene properly
    ben ti sta! serves you right!
    va bene! OK!
    di orario, appuntamento suit someone
    di bene in meglio better and better
    sentirsi bene feel well
    2. m good
    fare bene alla salute be good for you
    per il tuo bene for your own good
    voler bene a qualcuno love someone
    ( amare) love someone
    beni pl assets, property sg
    beni pl di consumo consumer goods
    beni pl culturali cultural heritage sg
    beni pl immobili real estate sg
    beni pl pubblici public property sg
    * * *
    bene s.m.
    1 good: il bene e il male, good and evil; questo ti farà bene, this will do you good; augurare del bene a qlcu., to wish s.o. well; dire bene di qlcu., to speak well of s.o.; opere di bene, good works; fare del bene, to do good // a fin di bene, to a good purpose; lo ha fatto a fin di bene, he meant well // ogni ben di Dio, (fig.) all sorts of good things // per il tuo bene, ( per amor tuo) for your sake // Sommo Bene, ( Dio) Summum Bonum
    2 (affetto, amore) fondness, affection: voler bene a qlcu., to be fond of s.o.; volersi bene, to be fond of each other (o of one another); le vuole un bene dell'anima, he loves her with all his heart
    3 ( persona amata) beloved person, darling; (innamorato, innamorata) sweetheart: mio bene, (my) darling (o my sweetheart o my love)
    4 ( vantaggio) sake, good; ( benessere) welfare: per il bene del popolo, for the welfare of the people; per il tuo bene, for your own good
    5 ( dono) gift; blessing: la salute è il più grande dei beni, health is the greatest of blessings // ogni ben di Dio, all sorts of good things
    6 (spec. pl.) goods (pl.), property, possession: persero i loro beni durante la guerra, they lost all their possessions during the war; avere dei beni al sole, to be a man of property // (comm.): beni all'estero, property abroad; beni pubblici, collective (o public) goods; beni reali, ( non monetari) real assets; beni strumentali, auxiliary capital (o industrial goods); beni superflui, superfluities; beni superiori, superior goods; beni di prestigio, positional goods; beni di prima necessità, necessaries; beni utilitari, utility goods; beni di rifugio, shelter goods; beni e servizi diversi, sundry goods and services; beni alternativi, succedanei, rival commodities; beni bloccati ( per ordine del tribunale), frozen assets; beni capitali, di produzione, capital goods; soggetti all'imposta di registro, goods that are liable to stamp duty; beni commerciabili internazionalmente, tradeables; beni complementari, complementary goods (o complements); beni di consumo, consumer goods (o consumables); beni di consumo deperibili, soft (o perishable) goods (o perishables); beni di consumo durevoli, consumer durable goods, durable (o hard) goods; beni di consumo non durevoli, non durables (o non durable goods); beni di consumo semidurevoli, semi-durable goods; beni di investimento, investment goods; beni di lusso, voluttuari, luxury goods (o luxuries); beni economici, goods; beni finali, final goods; beni fungibili, fungible (o replaceable) goods; beni immateriali, intangibles (o intangible assets o non-material goods) // (dir.): beni dotali, dowry; beni ereditari, estate hereditaments; beni demaniali, public domain; beni pignorabili, seizable chattels (o goods); beni impignorabili, privileged from execution goods; beni mobili, personal property (o movables o goods and chattels); beni mobili facenti parte dell'abitazione, household; beni immobili, real estate (o immovables o real assets); beni immateriali, incorporeal property (o intangible assets); beni rubati, stolen property.
    bene avv.
    1 (in modo giusto, correttamente) well; properly: parla molto bene l'inglese, he speaks English very well; comportarsi bene, to behave well; trattare bene qlcu., to treat s.o. well; una persona bene educata, a well-mannered person; una cosa ben fatta, something well done; se ben ricordo, se ricordo bene, if I remember well // sa fare molto beneil suo lavoro, he's a good worker // non sta bene, it's not nice (o it isn't polite) // hai fatto bene, you did the right thing // sono persone per bene, they're respectable people // lo hanno sistemato per bene, (iron.) they made a fine mess of him
    2 ( completamente) properly; thoroughly: hai chiuso bene la porta?, have you closed the door properly?; non hai inserito bene la spina, you haven't plugged it in properly; ricordati di lavare bene l'insalata, remember to wash the lettuce thoroughly // mi hai sentito bene?, did you hear what I said?
    3 (in modo conveniente, piacevole): avete mangiato bene?, did you have a good meal?; guadagnare bene, to make a lot of money (o to earn good money); quella persona veste molto bene, that person dresses very well // stare bene ( di salute) to be well (o in good health); (di abito ecc.) to fit, to suit: ''Come stai?'' ''Abbastanza bene'', ''How are you?'' ''Quite well''; questa giacca non mi sta bene this jacket doesn't suit me // star bene a soldi, to be well off // ti sta bene (o ben ti sta), it serves you right // mi è andata bene, I made it // bene o male, somehow (or other) // di bene in meglio, better and better // né bene né male, so-so
    4 ( con valore rafforzativo): è ben difficile che arrivi in orario, he's very unlikely to be on time // saremo ben lieti se..., we'll be delighted if...; era ben lontano dal pensare che..., he was far from thinking that...; ''Pensi che accetterà?'' ''Lo spero bene'', ''Do you think he'll agree?'' ''I hope so''; vorrei ben vedere..., I'd like to see...; lo credo bene!, I should think so!; abbiamo ben cento pagine di storia da studiare, we've got a good hundred pages of history to study; ho pagato ben 4 milioni di spese condominali, I spent a good 4 million on condominium expenses; si tratta di ben altro, it's quite a different matter // ben bene, well, properly: copritelo ben bene, fa molto freddo, wrap him up well, it's bitterly cold; l'abbiamo sgridato ben bene, we gave him a good telling off
    5 ( in espressioni esclamative): bene, continua così!, good, keep it up!; ma bene, è questo il modo di comportarsi?, come along, that's no way to behave!
    6 ( con valore conclusivo): bene, ora possiamo incominciare, well then, now we can begin; bene, non parliamone più, well, let's say no more about it
    agg. ( di alto livello sociale) upper-class: la società, la gente bene, upper-class society, the upper classes // frequenta i locali bene della città, he goes to all the best places in town.
    * * *
    1. avv
    1) (gen) well, (funzionare) properly, well

    faresti bene a studiare — you'd do well o you'd be well advised to study

    hai fatto bene — you did the right thing

    ben fatto! — well done!

    guida bene — he drives well, he's a good driver

    parla bene l'italiano — he speaks Italian well, he speaks good Italian

    parlare bene di qn — to speak well of sb

    gente per bene — respectable people

    sto poco bene — I'm not very well

    ha preso bene la notizia — he took the news well

    se ben ricordo; se ricordo bene — if I remember correctly

    sto bene — I'm fine

    va bene — all right, okay


    (con attenzione, completamente) ascoltami bene — listen to me carefully

    ben bene — thoroughly

    ho legato il pacco ben bene — I've tied the parcel securely

    hai capito bene? — do you understand?

    chiudi bene la porta — close the door properly

    per bene — thoroughly

    ho sistemato le cose per bene — I've sorted things out properly

    3) (molto: + aggettivo) very, (+ comparativo, avverbio) (very) much

    ben più caro — much more expensive

    ben più lungo — much longer


    (rafforzativo: appunto) lo credo bene — I'm not surprised

    te l'avevo ben detto io che... — I DID tell you that..., I certainly did tell you that...

    sai bene che non dovresti uscire — you know perfectly well you shouldn't go out

    lo so ben io; lo so fin troppo bene — I know only too well

    lo spero bene — I certainly hope so

    5) (addirittura, non meno di) at least

    (in esclamazioni) ho finito — bene! — I've finished — good!

    bene, allora possiamo partire — right then, we can go

    bene, puoi continuare da solo — all right, you can continue on your own


    (fraseologia) né bene né maleso-so

    tutto è bene quel che finisce bene — all's well that ends well

    2. agg inv

    la gente bene — (ricca, snob) well-to-do people

    la Roma bene — the Roman bourgeois

    3. sm
    1) good

    far del bene — to do good

    fare del bene a qn — to do sb a good turn

    fare bene a — (salute) to be good for

    quella vacanza ti ha fatto bene — that holiday has done you good

    a fin di bene — for a good reason

    sul tavolo c'era ogni ben di Dio — there were all sorts of good things on the table

    l'ho fatto per il suo bene — I did it for his own good

    è stato un bene — it was a good thing

    volere un bene dell'anima a qn — to love sb very much

    vuole molto bene a suo padre — he loves his father very much, he's very fond of his father


    beni smpl (proprietà) (anche) Dir — possessions, property sg, Econ goods

    * * *
    I 1. ['bɛne]
    1) (in modo giusto, corretto, soddisfacente) [trattare, comportarsi, esprimersi, ballare, scegliere] well; [ funzionare] properly; [compilare, interpretare] correctly

    andare bene — [festa, operazione, affari] to go well

    hai fatto bene a dirmeloyou did well o right to tell me

    non sta bene fare — it's not done to do, it is bad form o manners to do

    va tutto bene — that's all very well, that's all well and good

    2) (completamente) [lavare, mescolare] thoroughly; [riempire, asciugare] completely; [leggere, ascoltare, guardare] carefully
    3) (piacevolmente, gradevolmente) [dormire, mangiare] well; [ vestire] well, smartly; [ vivere] comfortably

    una casa ben arredataa well-decorated o well-appointed house

    andare o stare bene insieme [colori, mobile] to go together, to be a good match; quel cappello ti sta bene you look good in that hat; stare bene con qcn. — to get along well o to be well in colloq. with sb

    star bene — [ persona] to feel all right

    "come stai?"- "abbastanza bene" — "how are you?" - "pretty well"

    ben 10.000 persone — as many as 10,000 people

    lo credo bene!I can well o quite believe it!

    come ben sai... — as you know full well..., as you well know

    7) di bene in meglio better and better
    aggettivo invariabile

    la gente bene — high society, the upper classes

    interiezione good, fine

    bene, bravo! — well done! excellent!

    ma bene!iron. ah, that's fine!


    tutto è bene quel che finisce beneprov. all's well that ends well

    II ['bɛne]
    sostantivo maschile

    il bene e il male — good and evil, right and wrong

    non è bene fare (cosa opportuna) it is not nice to do

    2) (beneficio, vantaggio)
    3) (interesse, benessere, felicità)

    il bene comune, pubblico — the common good

    fare del bene a qcn. — to do sb. good

    fare bene a — to be good for [persona, salute, pelle]

    4) gener. pl.

    -i — (proprietà) possessions, belongings, property, goods; (patrimonio) assets

    voler bene a qcn. — to love sb

    - i di consumoconsumer o expendable goods

    - i mobili — content, movables

    - i di prima necessità — essential goods, necessaries

    * * *
     1 (in modo giusto, corretto, soddisfacente) [trattare, comportarsi, esprimersi, ballare, scegliere] well; [ funzionare] properly; [compilare, interpretare] correctly; andare bene [festa, operazione, affari] to go well; la macchina non va bene the machine is not functioning properly; un lavoro ben pagato a well-paid job; bene o male somehow; parla bene spagnolo he speaks good Spanish; non parlava molto bene l'inglese she didn't speak much English; non ci sente bene he doesn't hear well; se ben ricordo if I remember correctly o right; andare bene a scuola to do well at school; andare bene in matematica to be good at maths; faremmo bene ad andare we'd better be going; hai fatto bene a dirmelo you did well o right to tell me; non sta bene fare it's not done to do, it is bad form o manners to do; va tutto bene that's all very well, that's all well and good; va tutto bene? is everything all right? are you OK? gli è andata bene che it was just as well for him that; domenica (ti) va bene? does Sunday suit you? is Sunday OK?
     2 (completamente) [lavare, mescolare] thoroughly; [riempire, asciugare] completely; [leggere, ascoltare, guardare] carefully
     3 (piacevolmente, gradevolmente) [ dormire, mangiare] well; [ vestire] well, smartly; [ vivere] comfortably; una casa ben arredata a well-decorated o well-appointed house; andare o stare bene insieme [ colori, mobile] to go together, to be a good match; quel cappello ti sta bene you look good in that hat; stare bene con qcn. to get along well o to be well in colloq. with sb.
     4 (in buona salute) star bene [ persona] to feel all right; "come stai?"- "abbastanza bene" "how are you?" - "pretty well"
     5 (con valore rafforzativo) si tratta di ben altro that's quite another matter; ben più di 200 well over 200; ben 10.000 persone as many as 10,000 people; ben volentieri with great pleasure; ben sveglio wide awake
     6 (con uso pleonastico) lo credo bene! I can well o quite believe it! come ben sai... as you know full well..., as you well know...
     7 di bene in meglio better and better
     8 per bene →  perbene
      la gente bene high society, the upper classes; i quartieri bene the posh neighbourhoods
     good, fine; bene! Vediamo il resto good! Let's see the rest; bene, bravo! well done! excellent! ma bene! iron. ah, that's fine! va bene! OK! fair enough!
    ben detto! neatly put! well said! ti sta bene! ben ti sta! it serves you right! non mi sta bene I don't agree; tutto è bene quel che finisce bene prov. all's well that ends well.
    sostantivo m.
     1 (ciò che è buono) il bene e il male good and evil, right and wrong; opere di bene charitable acts; non è bene fare (cosa opportuna) it is not nice to do
     2 (beneficio, vantaggio) è un bene che tu sia venuto it's a good thing you came
     3 (interesse, benessere, felicità) il bene comune, pubblico the common good; per il bene di for the good of; fare del bene a qcn. to do sb. good; fare bene a to be good for [persona, salute, pelle]
     4 gener. pl. -i (proprietà) possessions, belongings, property, goods; (patrimonio) assets; comunione dei -i community of goods
     5 (sentimento) volersi bene to love (each other); voler bene a qcn. to love sb.
    avere ogni ben di Dio to live like fighting cocks
    - i di consumo consumer o expendable goods; - i durevoli durables; - i immobili real estate; - i di lusso luxury goods; - i mobili content, movables; - i personali personal property; - i di prima necessità essential goods, necessaries.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > bene

  • 4 opere di bene

    opere di bene
    charitable acts
    →  bene

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > opere di bene

  • 5 hayrat

    ",-tı 1. good deeds, good works; charitable acts. 2. fountain, school, mosque, or other building erected as a pious act. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > hayrat

  • 6 צדקה

    צְדָקָהf. (b. h.; preced. wds.) purity, righteousness, equity, liberality, esp. almsgiving. Deut. R. s. 5 (ref. to Prov. 21:3) הקרבנות … והצ׳ והדין מכפריןוכ׳ sacrifices effect atonement only for the involuntary sinner, but righteousness (or charity) and justice atone for Pes.87b, v. פָּזַר. Tosef.Dem.III, 17, v. גַּבָּיי Sabb.118b גבאי צ׳ collectors of public charity; מחלקי צ׳ distributors of charity, v. חֵלֶק. Succ.49b גדולהג״ח יותר מן הצ׳ deeds of love are worth more than almsgiving; ib. צ׳ בממונוג״חוכ׳ charity is done at the mere sacrifice of money, deeds of love are performed with ones money and with ones person; צ׳ לענייםג״חוכ׳ almsgiving is only for the poor, deeds of love for the poor and the rich. B. Bath.10b (ref. to Prov. 14:34) כשם … צ׳ מכפרתוכ׳ as the sin-offering! brings atonement for Israel, so charity is a means of atonement for the nations. Gen. R. s. 49 (ref. to Gen. 18:19) מתחלה צ׳ ולבסוף משפט (not צדק) first charity (undiscriminating hospitality), and then justice; a. fr.Pl. צְדָקוֹת. B. Bath.10a (ref. to Prov. 11:4, a. 10:2) שתי צ׳ הללו למה why two verses saying the same thing about charity? Treat. Der. Er. ch. II מחלקי צ׳, v. supra. Ruth R. to III, 3 וסכת זו מצוות וצ׳ ‘anoint thyself (ib.), that means with good deeds and charitable acts; a. e.

    Jewish literature > צדקה

  • 7 צְדָקָה

    צְדָקָהf. (b. h.; preced. wds.) purity, righteousness, equity, liberality, esp. almsgiving. Deut. R. s. 5 (ref. to Prov. 21:3) הקרבנות … והצ׳ והדין מכפריןוכ׳ sacrifices effect atonement only for the involuntary sinner, but righteousness (or charity) and justice atone for Pes.87b, v. פָּזַר. Tosef.Dem.III, 17, v. גַּבָּיי Sabb.118b גבאי צ׳ collectors of public charity; מחלקי צ׳ distributors of charity, v. חֵלֶק. Succ.49b גדולהג״ח יותר מן הצ׳ deeds of love are worth more than almsgiving; ib. צ׳ בממונוג״חוכ׳ charity is done at the mere sacrifice of money, deeds of love are performed with ones money and with ones person; צ׳ לענייםג״חוכ׳ almsgiving is only for the poor, deeds of love for the poor and the rich. B. Bath.10b (ref. to Prov. 14:34) כשם … צ׳ מכפרתוכ׳ as the sin-offering! brings atonement for Israel, so charity is a means of atonement for the nations. Gen. R. s. 49 (ref. to Gen. 18:19) מתחלה צ׳ ולבסוף משפט (not צדק) first charity (undiscriminating hospitality), and then justice; a. fr.Pl. צְדָקוֹת. B. Bath.10a (ref. to Prov. 11:4, a. 10:2) שתי צ׳ הללו למה why two verses saying the same thing about charity? Treat. Der. Er. ch. II מחלקי צ׳, v. supra. Ruth R. to III, 3 וסכת זו מצוות וצ׳ ‘anoint thyself (ib.), that means with good deeds and charitable acts; a. e.

    Jewish literature > צְדָקָה

  • 8 entidad

    1 body.
    entidad de crédito lending institution
    2 entity.
    3 importance (importancia).
    de entidad of importance
    4 ens.
    * * *
    1 (esencia) entity
    2 (asociación etc) firm, company
    3 figurado (importancia) importance, significance
    de entidad important, of importance
    * * *
    1) (=esencia) entity
    2) (=colectividad) (Admin, Pol) body, organization; (Com, Econ) firm, company

    entidad comercial — company, business

    * * *
    1) (frml) (organización, institución) entity, body
    2) ( importancia) significance
    3) (Fil) entity, being
    * * *
    = body, corporate body, entity, agency.
    Ex. Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.
    Ex. AACR2 defines a corporate body thus: 'a corporate body is an organisation or group of persons that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as an entity'.
    Ex. AACR2 defines a corporate body thus: 'a corporate body is an organisation or group of persons that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as an entity'.
    Ex. It is often not clear which agency can best provide for the needs of a client = Con frecuencia no está claro qué organismo puede satisfacer mejor las necesidades de un cliente.
    * entidad como autor = corporate authorship.
    * entidad corporativa = corporate body, corporate entity.
    * entidad editora = issuing body.
    * entidad emisora = issuer.
    * entidad financiadora = funding body.
    * entidad financiera = financial institution.
    * entidad privada = private institution.
    * entidad productora = emanatorship, emanating body.
    * entidad promotora = promoting agency.
    * entidad relacionada = related body.
    * entidad subordinada = subordinate body.
    * * *
    1) (frml) (organización, institución) entity, body
    2) ( importancia) significance
    3) (Fil) entity, being
    * * *
    = body, corporate body, entity, agency.

    Ex: Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.

    Ex: AACR2 defines a corporate body thus: 'a corporate body is an organisation or group of persons that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as an entity'.
    Ex: AACR2 defines a corporate body thus: 'a corporate body is an organisation or group of persons that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as an entity'.
    Ex: It is often not clear which agency can best provide for the needs of a client = Con frecuencia no está claro qué organismo puede satisfacer mejor las necesidades de un cliente.
    * entidad como autor = corporate authorship.
    * entidad corporativa = corporate body, corporate entity.
    * entidad editora = issuing body.
    * entidad emisora = issuer.
    * entidad financiadora = funding body.
    * entidad financiera = financial institution.
    * entidad privada = private institution.
    * entidad productora = emanatorship, emanating body.
    * entidad promotora = promoting agency.
    * entidad relacionada = related body.
    * entidad subordinada = subordinate body.

    * * *
    A ( frml) (organización, institución) entity, body
    entidades públicas public bodies o entities
    una importante entidad bancaria/de seguros a major bank/insurance company
    entidades financieras financial institutions
    entidad jurídica legal entity
    entidad deportiva sporting body
    B (importancia) significance
    un problema de cierta entidad a problem of some significance
    C ( Fil) entity, being
    * * *


    entidad sustantivo femenino (frml) (organización, institución) entity, body;

    entidad sustantivo femenino
    1 organization
    entidad bancaria, bank
    2 (importancia) weight, magnitude: un asunto de mucha entidad, a very important matter

    ' entidad' also found in these entries:
    - autónomo
    - baja
    - competencia
    - lucrativo
    - municipio
    - building society
    - entity
    - white night
    - lender
    * * *
    1. [organismo] body;
    [empresa] firm, company; entidad aseguradora insurance company;
    entidad benéfica charitable organization;
    entidad de crédito lending institution;
    entidad deportiva sporting body;
    entidad financiera financial institution
    2. [ente] entity;
    no existe como entidad política it does not exist as a political entity
    3. Filosofía entity
    4. [importancia] importance;
    de entidad of importance;
    su lesión es de poca entidad his injury isn't serious;
    autores de gran entidad authors of the first rank
    * * *
    f entity, body
    * * *
    1) ente: entity
    2) : body, organization
    3) : firm, company
    4) : importance, significance

    Spanish-English dictionary > entidad

  • 9 sponsor

    1. noun
    (firm paying for event, one donating to charitable event) Sponsor, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) sponsern [Wohlfahrtsverband, Teilnehmer, Programm, Veranstaltung]
    2) (support in election) unterstützen [Kandidaten]
    * * *
    ['sponsə] 1. verb
    1) (to take on the financial responsibility for (a person, project etc), often as a form of advertising or for charity: The firm sponsors several golf tournaments.) finanzieren
    2) (to promise (a person) that one will pay a certain sum of money to a charity etc if that person completes a set task (eg a walk, swim etc).) sponsoren
    2. noun
    (a person, firm etc that acts in this way.) der/die Sponsor(in)
    - academic.ru/69749/sponsorship">sponsorship
    * * *
    [ˈspɒn(t)səʳ, AM ˈspɑ:n(t)sɚ]
    I. vt
    to \sponsor sb/sth person jdn/etw sponsern [o als Sponsor finanzieren]; government jdn/etw unterstützen
    to join the club, you first need to be \sponsored by two people damit du in den Klub eintreten kannst, müssen erst zwei Leute für dich bürgen
    to \sponsor a bill POL ein Gesetz befürworten [o unterstützen
    2. POL (host)
    to \sponsor negotiations/talks die Schirmherrschaft über Verhandlungen/Gespräche haben
    3. (to pay for advertising rights)
    to \sponsor sth etw sponsern
    II. n
    1. (supporter) Sponsor(in) m(f); (of a charity) Förderer, Förderin m, f; (for an immigrant, for membership) Bürge, Bürgin m, f; (of a match, event) Sponsor(in) m(f); POL (of a bill) Befürworter(in) m(f), Abgeordnete(r), der/die eine Gesetzesvorlage einbringt [o unterstützt
    2. (host) Schirmherr(in) m(f)
    3. REL Pate, Patin m, f
    4. ECON (advertiser on TV) Fernsehwerbungtreibender m, Sponsor m
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Förderer m, Förderin f; (for membership) Bürge m, Bürgin f; (for event) Schirmherr(in) m(f); (RAD, TV, SPORT ETC) Geldgeber(in) m(f), Sponsor(in) m(f); (for fund-raising) Spender(in) m(f); (PARL, of bill) Befürworter(in) m(f)

    to stand sponsor for sb — jdn fördern, für jdn bürgen

    2) (= godparent) Pate m, Patin f

    to stand sponsor for a child — Pate/Patin eines Kindes sein

    2. vt
    1) unterstützen; (financially) fördern, unterstützen, sponsern; event sponsern, die Schirmherrschaft übernehmen (+gen); future member bürgen für; membership, bill befürworten, empfehlen; (RAD, TV) programme sponsern; (SPORT) event sponsern

    he sponsored him ( at) 5p a mile (Brit)er verpflichtete sich, ihm 5 Pence pro Meile zu geben

    2) (as godparent) die Patenschaft (+gen) übernehmen
    * * *
    sponsor [ˈspɒnsə(r); US ˈspɑn-]
    A s
    1. Bürge m, Bürgin f
    2. (Tauf)Pate m, (-)Patin f:
    stand sponsor to ( oder for) (bei) jemandem Pate stehen
    3. Förderer m, Förderin f, Gönner(in)
    4. Schirmherr(in)
    5. Geldgeber(in), Sponsor m, Sponsorin f
    B v/t
    1. bürgen für
    2. fördern
    3. die Schirmherrschaft (gen) übernehmen
    4. eine Rundfunk-, Fernsehsendung, einen Sportler etc sponsern:
    sponsor sb at £1 a mile sich jemandem gegenüber verpflichten, 1 Pfund pro Meile zu spenden;
    * * *
    1. noun
    (firm paying for event, one donating to charitable event) Sponsor, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) sponsern [Wohlfahrtsverband, Teilnehmer, Programm, Veranstaltung]
    2) (support in election) unterstützen [Kandidaten]
    * * *
    Förderer - m.
    Schirmherr m. v.
    protegieren v.

    English-german dictionary > sponsor

  • 10 Dorcas Society

    2) Религия: (A woman's circle making clothing for charitable purposes so called from Dorcas in Acts:9:39) Общество Серны

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Dorcas Society

  • 11 dorcas society

    2) Религия: (A woman's circle making clothing for charitable purposes so called from Dorcas in Acts:9:39) Общество Серны

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > dorcas society

  • 12 Общество Серны

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Общество Серны

  • 13 इष्टापूर्तम् _iṣṭāpūrtam _इष्टापूर्तिः _iṣṭāpūrtiḥ

    इष्टापूर्तम् इष्टापूर्तिः f. [इष्टं च पूर्तं च तयोः समाहारः पूर्वपददीर्घत्वम्] Performance of pious or charitable deeds; performing sacrifices, and digging wells and doing other acts of charity; इष्टापूर्तविधेः सपत्नशमनात् Mv.3.1; cf. also इष्टापूर्ते पुत्रपशूंश्च सर्वान् Kaṭh.1.8. वापीकूपतडागादिदेवतायतनानि च । अन्नप्रदानमारामाः पूर्तमर्थ्याः प्रचक्षते ॥ एकाग्निकर्महवनं त्रेतायां यच्च हूयते । अन्तर्वेद्यां च यद्दानमिष्टं तदभिधीयते ॥

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > इष्टापूर्तम् _iṣṭāpūrtam _इष्टापूर्तिः _iṣṭāpūrtiḥ

  • 14 धर्मः _dharmḥ

    धर्मः [ध्रियते लोको$नेन, धरति लोकं वा धृ-मन्; cf. Uṇ 1. 137]
    1 Religion; the customary observances of a caste, sect, &c.
    -2 Law, usage, practice, custom, ordinance, statue.
    -3 Religious or moral merit, virtue, right- eousness, good works (regarded as one of the four ends of human existence); अनेन धर्मः सविशेषमद्य मे त्रिवर्ग- सारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि Ku.5.38, and see त्रिवर्ग also; एक एव सुहृद्धर्मो निधने$प्यनुयाति यः H.1.63.
    -4 Duty, prescribed course of conduct; षष्ठांशवृत्तेरपि धर्म एषः Ś.5.4; Ms.1.114.
    -5 Right, justice, equity, impartiality.
    -6 Piety, propriety, decorum.
    -7 Morality, ethics
    -8 Nature. disposition, character; उत्पत्स्यते$स्ति मम को$पि समानधर्मा Māl.1.6; प्राणि˚, जीव˚.
    -9 An essential quality, pecu- liarity, characteristic property, (peculiar) attribute; वदन्ति वर्ण्यावर्ण्यानां धर्मैक्यं दीपकं बुधाः Chandr.5.45; Pt.1.34.
    -1 Manner, resemblance, likeness.
    -11 A sacrifice.
    -12 Good company, associating with the virtuous
    -13> Devotion, religious abstraction.
    -14 Manner, mode.
    -15 An Upaniṣad q. v.
    -16 N. of Yudhiṣṭhira, the eldest Pāṇḍava.
    -17 N. of Yama, the god of death.
    -18 A bow.
    -19 A drinker of Soma juice.
    -2 (In astrol.) N. of the ninth lunar man- sion.
    -21 An Arhat of the Jainas.
    -22 The soul.
    -23 Mastery, great skill; दिव्यास्त्रगुणसंपन्नः परं धर्मं गतो युधि Rām.3.31.15.
    -र्मम् A virtuous deed.
    -Comp. -अक्षरम् (pl.) holy mantras; a formula of faith; धर्माक्षराण्युदाहरामि Mk.8.45-46.
    -अङ्गः (
    -ङ्गा f.) the Indian crane.
    -अधर्मौ m. (du.) right and wrong, religion and irreligion; धर्माधर्मौ सपदि गलितौ पुण्यपापे विशीर्णे. ˚विद् m. a Mīmāṁsaka who knows the right and wrong course of action.
    -अधिकरणम् 1 administration of the laws.
    1 a court of justice. (
    -णः) a judge.
    -अधिकरणिकः, -अधिकारिन् m. a judge, magistrate, any judicial functionary.
    -अधिकरणिन् m. a judge, magistrate.
    -अधिकारः 1 superintendence of religious affairs; Ś1.
    -2 ad- ministration of justice.
    -3 the office of a judge.
    -अधि- ष्ठानम् a court of justice.
    -अध्यक्षः 1 a judge.
    -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -अनुष्ठानम् acting according to religion, virtuous or moral conduct.
    -अनुसारः conformity to virtue or justice.
    -अपेत a. deviating from virtue, wicked, immoral, irreligious. (
    -तम्) vice, immorality, injustice.
    -अयनम् course of law, law-suit.
    -अरण्यम् a sacred or penance grove, a wood inhabited by ascetics; धर्मारण्यं प्रविशति गजः Śi.1.32.
    -अर्थौः religious merit and wealth; धर्मार्थौ यत्र न स्याताम् Ms.2.112.
    -अर्थम् ind.
    1 for religious purposes.
    -2 justly, according to justice or right.
    -अलीक a. having a false character.
    -अस्तिकायः (with Jainas) the category or predicament of virtue; cf. अस्तिकाय.
    -अहन् Yesterday.
    -आगमः a religious statute, lawbook.
    -आचार्यः 1 a religious teacher.
    -2 a teacher of law or customs.
    -आत्मजः an epithet of Yudhiṣṭhira q. v.
    -आत्मता religiousmindedness; justice, virtue.
    -आत्मन् a. just righteous, pious, virtuous. (-m.) a saint, a pious man.
    -आश्रय, -आश्रित a. righteous, virtuous; धर्माश्रयं पापिनः (निन्दन्ति) Pt.1.415.
    -आसनम् the throne of justice, judgmentseat, tribunal; न संभावितमद्य धर्मासनमध्यासितुम् Ś.6; धर्मासनाद्विशति वासगृहं नरेन्द्रः U.1.7.
    -इन्द्रः, -ईशः an epithet of Yama; पितॄणामिव धर्मेन्द्रः Mb.7.6.6.
    -ईप्सु a. wishing to gain religious merit; Ms.1.127.
    -उत्तर a. 'rich in virtue,' chiefly characterized by justice, eminently just and impartial; धर्मोत्तरं मध्यममाश्रयन्ते R.13.7.
    -उपचायिन् a. religious; यच्च वः प्रेक्षमाणानां सर्व- धर्मोपचायिनाम् Mb.5.137.16.
    -उपदेशः 1 instruction in law or duty, religious or moral instruction. आर्षं धर्मोपदेशं च वेदशास्त्राविरोधिना । यस्तर्केणानुसंधत्ते स धर्मं वेद नेतरः ॥ Ms.12.16.
    -2 the collective body of laws.
    -उपदेशकः 1 a teacher of the law.
    -2 a spiritual teacher, a Guru.
    -कथकः an expounder of law.
    -कर्मन् n.,
    -कार्यम्, -क्रिया 1 any act of duty or religion, any moral or religious observance, a religious act or rite.
    -2 virtuous conduct.
    -कथादरिद्रः the Kali age.
    -काम a.
    1 devoted to virtue.
    -2 observing duty or right.
    -कायः 1 an epithet of Buddha.
    -2 a Jaina saint.
    -कारणम् Cause of virtue.
    -कीलः 1 a grant, royal edict or decree.
    -2 husband.
    -कृत् a. observing duty, acting justly. (-m.)
    1 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -2 a pious man. धर्मा- धर्मविहीनो$पि धर्ममर्यादास्थापनार्थं धर्ममेव करोतीति धर्मकृत् Bhāg.
    -केतुः an epithet of Buddha.
    -कोशः, -षः the collective body of laws or duties; धर्मकोषस्य गुप्तये Ms.1.99.
    -क्रिया, -कृत्यम् any act of religion, any moral or religious rite.
    -क्षेत्रम् 1 Bhāratavarṣa (the land of religion).
    -2 N. of a plain near Delhi, the scene of the great battle between the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas; धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः Bg.1.1. (
    -त्रः) a virtuous or pious man.
    -गुप्त a. observing and protecting religion. (
    -प्तः) N. of Viṣṇu.
    -ग्रन्थः a sacred work or scripture.
    -घटः a jar of fragrant water offered daily (to a Brāhmaṇa) in the month of Vaiśākha; एष धर्मघटो दत्तो ब्रह्माविष्णुशिवात्मकः । अस्य प्रदानात् सफला मम सन्तु मनोरथाः ॥
    -घ्न a. immoral, unlawful.
    -चक्रः 1 The wheel or range of the law; Bhddh. Jain.
    -2 a Buddha. ˚मृत् m. a Buddha or Jaina.
    -चरणम्, -चर्या observance of the law, performance of religious duties; शिवेन भर्त्रा सह धर्मचर्या कार्या त्वया मुक्तविचारयेति Ku.7.83; वयसि प्रथमे, मतौ चलायां बहुदोषां हि वदन्ति धर्मचर्याम् Bu. Ch.5.3. चारिन् a. practising virtue, observing the law, virtuous, righteous; स चेत्स्वयं कर्मसु धर्मचारिणां त्वमन्त- रायो भवसि R.3.45. (-m.) an ascetic.
    चारिणी 1 a wife.
    -2 a chaste or virtuous wife. cf. सह˚; इयं चोर्वशी यावदायुस्तव सहधर्मचारिणी भवत्विति V.5.19/2.
    -चिन्तक a.
    1 studying or familiar with duty.
    -2 reflecting on the law.
    -चिन्तनम्, चिन्ता study of virtue, consideration of moral duties, moral reflection.
    -च्छलः fraudulent transgression of law or duty.
    -जः 1 'duly or lawfully born', a legitimate son; cf. Ms.9.17.
    -2 N. of युधिष्ठिर; Mb.15.1.44.
    -जन्मन् m. N. of युधिष्ठिर.
    -जिज्ञासा inquiry into religion or the proper course of conduct; अथातो धर्मजिज्ञासा Jaimini's Sūtra.
    -जीवन a. one who acts according to the rules of his caste or fulfils prescribed duties. (
    -नः) a Brāhmaṇa who maintains himself by assisting other men in the performance of their reli- gious rites; यश्चापि धर्मसमयात्प्रच्युतो धर्मजीवनः Ms.9.273.
    -ज्ञ a.
    1 knowing what is right, conversant with civil or religious law; Ms.7.141;8.179;1.127.
    -2 just, righteous, pious.
    -त्यागः abandoning one's religion, apostacy.
    -दक्षिणा a fee for instruction in the law.
    -दानम् a charitable gift (made without any self-inte- rest.) पात्रेभ्यो दीयते नित्यमनपेक्ष्य प्रयोजनम् । केवलं धर्मबुद्ध्या यद् धर्मदानं प्रचक्षते ॥ Ms.3.262.
    -दुघा a cow milked for religious purposes only.
    -द्रवी N. of the Ganges.
    -दारा m. (pl.) a lawful wife; स्त्रीणां भर्ता धर्मदाराश्च पुंसाम् Māl. 6.18.
    -द्रुह् a. voilating the law or right; निसर्गेण स धर्मस्य गोप्ता धर्मद्रुहो वयम् Mv.2.7.
    -द्रोहिन् m. a demon.
    -धातुः an epithet of Buddha.
    -ध्वजः -ध्वजिन् m. a religious hypocrite, an impostor; Bhāg.3.32.39.
    -नन्दनः an epithet of युधिष्ठिर.
    -नाथः a legal protector, rightful master.
    -नाभः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -निबन्धिन् a. pious, holy.
    -निवेशः religious devotion.
    -निष्ठ a. devoted to religion or virtue; श्रीमन्तः पान्तु पृथ्वीं प्रशमित- रिपवो धर्मनिष्ठाश्च भूपाः Mk.1.61.
    -निष्पत्तिः f.
    1 discharge or fulfilment of duty.
    -2 moral or religious observance;
    -पत्नी a lawful wife; R.2.2,2,72;8.7; Y.2.128.
    -पथः the way of virtue, a virtuous course of conduct.
    -पर a. religious-minded, pious, righteous.
    -परिणामः rise of righteous conduct in the heart (Jainism); cf. also एतेन भूतेन्द्रियेषु धर्मलक्षणावस्थापरिणामा व्याख्याताः Yoga- darśana.
    -पाठकः a teacher of civil or religious law; Ms.12.111.
    -पालः 'protector of the law', said meta- phorically of (दण्ड) 'punishment or chastisement', or 'sword'.
    -पाडा transgressing the law, an offence against law.
    -पुत्रः 1 a lawful son, a son begotten from a sense of duty and not from mere lust or sensual pleasure.
    -2 an epithet of युधिष्ठिर.
    -3 any one regarded as a son for religious purposes, a spiritual son.
    -प्रचारः (fig.) sword.
    -प्रतिरूपकः a counterfeit of virtue; Ms.11.9.
    -प्रधान a. eminent in piety; धर्मप्रधानं पुरुषं तपसा हतकिल्बिषम् Ms.4.243.
    -प्रवक्तृ m.
    1 an expounder of the law, a legal adviser.
    -2 a religious teacher, prea- cher.
    -प्रवचनम् 1 the science of duty; U.5.23.
    -2 expounding the law. (
    -नः) an epithet of Buddha.
    -प्रेक्ष्य a. religious or virtuous (धर्मदृष्टि); Rām.2.85.16.
    -बाणिजिकः, -वाणिजिकः 1 one who tries to make profit out of his virtue like a merchant.
    -2 one who performs religious rites with a view to reward, like a merchant dealing in transactions for profit.
    -बाह्यः a. contrary to religion or what is right.
    -भगिनी 1 a lawful sister.
    -2 a daughter of the spiritual preceptor.
    -3 a spiritual sister, any one regarded as a sister or discharging the same religious duties एतस्मिन्विहारे मम धर्मभगिनी तिष्ठति Mk.8.46/47.
    -भागिनी a virtuous wife.
    -भाणकः a lecturer or public reader who reads and explains to audiences sacred books like the Bhārata, Bhāgavata, &c.
    -भिक्षुकः a mendicant from virtuous motives; Ms. 11.2.
    -भृत् m.
    1 'a preserver or defender of justice,' a king.
    -2 a virtuous person.
    -भ्रातृ m.
    1 a fellow reli- gious student, a spiritual brother.
    -2 any one regard- ed as a brother from discharging the same religious duties. वानप्रस्थयतिब्रह्मचारिणां रिक्थभागिनः । क्रमेणाचार्यसच्छिष्य- धर्मभ्रात्रेकतीर्थिनः ॥ Y.2.137.
    -महामात्रः a minister of reli- gion, a minister in charge of religious affairs.
    -मूलम् the foundation of civil or religious law, the Vedas.
    -मेघः a particular Samādhi.
    -युगम् the Kṛita age; अथ धर्मयुगे तस्मिन्योगधर्ममनुष्ठिता । महीमनुचचारैका सुलभा नाम भिक्षुकी Mb.12.32.7.
    -यूपः, -योनिः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -रति a. 'delighting in virtue or justice', righteous, pious, just; तस्य धर्मरतेरासीद् वृद्धत्वं जरसा विना R.1.23.
    -रत्नम् N. of a Jaina स्मृतिग्रन्थ prepared by Jīmūtavāhana.
    -राज् -m. an epithet of Yama.
    -राज a. धर्मशील q. v.; धर्मराजेन जनकेन महात्मना (विदेहान् रक्षितान्) Mb.12.325 19.
    -राजः an epithet of
    1 Yama.
    -2 Jina.
    -3 युधिष्ठिर.
    -4 a king.
    -राजन् m. N. of युधिष्ठिर.
    -राजिका a monument, a stūpa (Sārnāth Inscrip. of Mahīpāla; Ind. Ant. Vol.14, p.14.)
    -रोधिन् a.
    1 op- posed to law, illegal, unlawful.
    -2 immoral.
    -लक्षणम् 1 the essential mark of law.
    -2 the Vedas. (
    -णा) the Mīmāṁsā philosophy.
    -लोपः 1 irreligion, immorality.
    -2 violation of duty; धर्मलोपभयाद्राज्ञीमृतुस्नातामिमां स्मरन् R. 1.76.
    -वत्सल a. loving piety or duty.
    -वर्तिन् a. just, virtuous.
    -वर्धनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -वादः discussion about law or duty, religious controversy; अनुकल्पः परो धर्मो धर्मवादैस्तु केवलम् Mb.12.165.15.
    -वासरः 1 the day of full moon.
    -2 yesterday.
    -वाहनः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 a buffalo (being the vehicle of Yama).
    -विद् a. familiar with the law (civil or religious). ˚उत्तमः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -विद्या knowledge of the law or right.
    -विधिः a legal precept or injunction; एष धर्मविधिः कृत्स्नश्चातुर्वर्ण्यस्य कीर्तितः Ms.1.131.
    -विप्लवः violation of duty, immora- lity.
    -विवेचनम् 1 judicial investigation; यस्य शूद्रस्तु कुरुते राज्ञो धर्मविवेचनम् । तस्य सीदति तद्राष्ट्रं पङ्के गौरिव पश्यतः ॥ Ms.8.21.
    -2 dissertation on duty.
    -वीरः (in Rhet.) the sentiment of heroism arising out of virtue or piety, the sentiment of chivalrous piety; the following instance is given in R. G.:-- सपदि विलयमेतु राज्यलक्ष्मीरुपरि पतन्त्वथवा कृपाणधाराः । अपहरतुतरां शिरः कृतान्तो मम तु मतिर्न मनागपैतु धर्मात् ॥ स च दानधर्मयुद्धैर्दयया च समन्वितश्चतुर्धा स्यात् S. D.
    -वृद्ध a. advanced in virtue or piety; न धर्मवृद्धेषु वयः समीक्ष्यते Ku.5.16.
    -वैतंसिकः one who gives away money un- lawfully acquired in the hope of appearing generous.
    -व्यवस्था m. judicial decision, decisive sentence.
    -शाला 1 a court of justice, tribunal.
    -2 any charitabla institu- tion.
    -शासनम्, शास्त्रम् a code of laws, jurisprudence; न धर्मशास्त्रं पठतीति कारणम् H.1.17; Y.1.5. [मनुर्यमो वसिष्ठो$त्रिः दक्षो विष्णुस्तथाङ्गिराः । उशना वाक्पतिर्व्यास आपस्तम्बो$ थ गौतमः ॥ कात्यायनो नारदश्च याज्ञवल्क्यः पराशरः । संवर्तश्चैव शङ्खश्च हारीतो लिखितस्तथा ॥ एतैर्यानि प्रणीतानि धर्मशास्त्राणि वै पुरा । तान्येवातिप्रमाणानि न हन्तव्यानि हेतुभिः ॥]
    -शील a. just, pious, virtuous.
    -शुद्धिः a correct knowledge of the law; प्रत्यक्षं चानुमानं च शास्त्रं च विविधागमम् । त्रयं सुविदितं कार्यं धर्मशुद्धिमभीप्सता ॥ Ms.12.15.
    -संहिता a code of laws (especially compiled by sages like Manu, Yājñavalkya, &c.).
    -संगः 1 attachmet to justice or virtue.
    -2 hypocrisy.
    -संगीतिः 1 discussion about law.
    -2 (with Buddhists) a council.
    -सभा a court of justice.
    -समयः a legal obligation; यश्चापि धर्मसमयात्प्रच्युतो धर्मजीवनः Ms.9.273.
    -सहायः a partner or companion in the discharge of religious duties.
    -सूः m. the fork-tailed shrike.
    -सूत्रम् a book on पूर्वमीमांसा written by Jaimini.
    -सेतुः an epithet of Śiva.
    -सेवनम् fulfilment of duties.
    -स्थः a judge; धर्मस्थः कारणैरेतैर्हीनं तमिति निर्दिशेत् Ms.8.57.
    -स्थीय a. Concerning law; धर्मस्थीयं तृतीयं प्रकरणम् Kau. A.3.
    -स्वामिन् m. an epithet of Buddha.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > धर्मः _dharmḥ

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